BanchoBot.waitForMessage - multiple declarations

Function BanchoBot.waitForMessage

Waits for an event or returns one which is in the backlog already. Removes matching backlog entries.

Message waitForMessage (
  bool delegate(Message) check,
  core.time.Duration timeout


InterruptException on timeout


check a delegate checking for which object to check for. Return true to return this object & not add it to the backlog.
timeout the timeout after which to interrupt the waiting task

Function BanchoBot.waitForMessage

Waits for an event or returns one which is in the backlog already. Removes matching backlog entries.

Message waitForMessage (
  bool delegate(Message) check,
  core.time.Duration timeout


InterruptException on timeout


check a delegate checking for which object to check for. Return true to return this object & not add it to the backlog.
timeout the timeout after which to interrupt the waiting task