Class BanchoBot

Represents a Bancho IRC connection.

class BanchoBot ;


this Prepares a bancho IRC connection with username & password (can be obtained from


backlogsMessage Message[256]list of backlog which hasn't been handled by any event subscribers, oldest one will always be replaced on new ones.
backlogsMessage Message[256]list of backlog which hasn't been handled by any event subscribers, oldest one will always be replaced on new ones.
backlogsQuit Quit[256]list of backlog which hasn't been handled by any event subscribers, oldest one will always be replaced on new ones.
backlogsQuit Quit[256]list of backlog which hasn't been handled by any event subscribers, oldest one will always be replaced on new ones.
backlogsTopic TopicChange[8]list of backlog which hasn't been handled by any event subscribers, oldest one will always be replaced on new ones.
backlogsTopic TopicChange[8]list of backlog which hasn't been handled by any event subscribers, oldest one will always be replaced on new ones.
password string
processorsMessage bool delegate(Message)list of event subscribers. Gets removed automatically when called and returns true, otherwise caller has to remove it.
processorsMessage bool delegate(Message)list of event subscribers. Gets removed automatically when called and returns true, otherwise caller has to remove it.
processorsQuit bool delegate(Quit)list of event subscribers. Gets removed automatically when called and returns true, otherwise caller has to remove it.
processorsQuit bool delegate(Quit)list of event subscribers. Gets removed automatically when called and returns true, otherwise caller has to remove it.
processorsTopic bool delegate(TopicChange)list of event subscribers. Gets removed automatically when called and returns true, otherwise caller has to remove it.
processorsTopic bool delegate(TopicChange)list of event subscribers. Gets removed automatically when called and returns true, otherwise caller has to remove it.
rooms OsuRoom[]
username string


clear Clears all logs, called by connect
clearMessageLog Clears all backlog & removes all event listeners for the object type.
clearMessageLog Clears all backlog & removes all event listeners for the object type.
clearQuitLog Clears all backlog & removes all event listeners for the object type.
clearQuitLog Clears all backlog & removes all event listeners for the object type.
clearTopicLog Clears all backlog & removes all event listeners for the object type.
clearTopicLog Clears all backlog & removes all event listeners for the object type.
connect Connects to and authenticates with username & password. Blocks and processes all messages sent by the TCP socket. Recommended to be called in runTask. Cleans up on exit properly and is safe to be called again once returned.
createRoom Creates a new managed room with a title and returns it. Automatically gets room ID & game ID.
disconnect Disconnects & closes the TCP socket.
fetchOldMessageLog Goes through the backlog and removes and optionally returns all matching objects.
fetchOldMessageLog Goes through the backlog and removes and optionally returns all matching objects.
fetchOldQuitLog Goes through the backlog and removes and optionally returns all matching objects.
fetchOldQuitLog Goes through the backlog and removes and optionally returns all matching objects.
fetchOldTopicLog Goes through the backlog and removes and optionally returns all matching objects.
fetchOldTopicLog Goes through the backlog and removes and optionally returns all matching objects.
preProcessMessage Processes messages meant for mutliplayer rooms to update their state. called by mixin template
processMessage Calls all event subscribers to try to match this object, otherwise replace the oldest element in the backlog with this.
processMessage Calls all event subscribers to try to match this object, otherwise replace the oldest element in the backlog with this.
processQuit Calls all event subscribers to try to match this object, otherwise replace the oldest element in the backlog with this.
processQuit Calls all event subscribers to try to match this object, otherwise replace the oldest element in the backlog with this.
processTopic Calls all event subscribers to try to match this object, otherwise replace the oldest element in the backlog with this.
processTopic Calls all event subscribers to try to match this object, otherwise replace the oldest element in the backlog with this.
sendMessage Sends a message to a username or channel (#channel).
unmanageRoom internal function to remove a room from the managed rooms list
waitForMessage Waits for an event or returns one which is in the backlog already. Removes matching backlog entries.
waitForMessage Waits for an event or returns one which is in the backlog already. Removes matching backlog entries.
waitForMessageBunch Waits for multiple messages sent at once and returns them.
waitForQuit Waits for an event or returns one which is in the backlog already. Removes matching backlog entries.
waitForQuit Waits for an event or returns one which is in the backlog already. Removes matching backlog entries.
waitForTopic Waits for an event or returns one which is in the backlog already. Removes matching backlog entries.
waitForTopic Waits for an event or returns one which is in the backlog already. Removes matching backlog entries.


BanchoBot bot = new BanchoBot("User", "hunter2");
while (true)
logDiagnostic("Got disconnected from bancho...");